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Alxa League organized a quality training course on the implementation of two management regulations for special equipment.


source: Ruida Taifeng Chemical

author: Ruida Taifeng Chemical

In order to further standardize the responsibility management of special equipment enterprises, respond to national regulations and management policies, improve the special equipment system of each enterprise, and implement two management regulations.

On July 12, Alxa Branch of Inner Mongolia Special Inspection Institute held the first training course for quality and safety directors, quality and safety officers of special equipment related units, main responsible persons, safety directors and safety officers of user units in high-tech zones and demonstration zones. A total of 68 enterprises more than 260 people involved. Ruida Taifeng responded to the policy and actively organized personnel to participate in the training.

This training mainly explained the main contents of "Regulations on Supervision and Administration of Quality and Safety Subject Responsibility of Special Equipment Production Units" (General Administration No. 73) and "Regulations on Supervision and Administration of Safety Subject Responsibility of Special Equipment Users" (General Administration No. 74) issued by the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, and explained how special equipment enterprises should improve and establish the overall responsibility of the main person in charge, the responsibility system of safety directors and safety officers at different levels, how to use the "daily control, weekly investigation, monthly scheduling" working mechanism to implement the main responsibility and other aspects of publicity. At the same time, it clarifies the construction of the corporate safety subject responsibility system and risk management and control system, the performance guarantee mechanism and management requirements of the person in charge of the company's special equipment, the use of special equipment safety and emergency knowledge, etc., and interprets the typical special equipment safety accidents in recent years. Alert all enterprises to firmly grasp safety management and standardize safety.